How to Connect Bluetooth Headphones to PS4

Bluetooth headphones have taken the gaming community by storm, offering unrivaled convenience and freedom of movement. If you’re wondering how to connect Bluetooth headphones to your PS4, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to set up your favorite pair of wireless headphones with your gaming console.

Gone are the days of being tied down by cables while gaming. With Bluetooth headphones, you can enjoy immersive gameplay without compromising on audio quality. Whether you’re battling enemies in a first-person shooter or exploring vast virtual worlds, these wireless wonders will take your gaming experience to a whole new level.

So, put on your gaming headset, and let’s dive right in. We’ll walk you through the pairing process, adjusting audio settings, and troubleshooting common issues to ensure you have a seamless and lag-free gaming experience. Say goodbye to tangled wires and embrace the freedom of gaming with Bluetooth headphones on your PS4.

Table of Contents

Understanding Bluetooth Technology and PS4 Compatibility

Bluetooth technology is a wireless communication standard that allows devices to connect and exchange data over short distances. It has become ubiquitous in various tech gadgets, from smartphones and laptops to speakers and, of course, headphones. Its ability to provide a seamless and cable-free experience has made Bluetooth a favorite among users.

When it comes to gaming, the PlayStation 4 (PS4) has also embraced the convenience of Bluetooth technology. However, it’s essential to note that not all PS4 models support Bluetooth audio. To enjoy the benefits of wireless headphones on your PS4, you need to ensure that your console is equipped with the necessary Bluetooth capabilities.

The PS4 models released after the initial launch in 2013 typically have Bluetooth audio support. This means if you own a PS4 Slim, PS4 Pro, or any later models, you’re good to go. However, if you happen to have an older PS4 model, it may not support Bluetooth audio, and you might have to explore other alternatives.

To make sure your PS4 is compatible with Bluetooth headphones, check the system software version. If your console has the updated software that includes the Bluetooth audio feature, you’re in luck. If not, don’t worry; you can easily update your PS4’s system software to gain access to this exciting wireless audio functionality.

Now that you know the basics of Bluetooth technology and the compatibility of your PS4 with Bluetooth headphones, let’s move on to the practical steps of connecting your wireless headphones to your gaming console. Get ready for a cable-free gaming experience like never before.

Preparing Your PS4 and Bluetooth Headphones

Before diving into the exciting world of wireless gaming, it’s essential to prepare both your PS4 and Bluetooth headphones to ensure a smooth and successful pairing process. Let’s get everything ready:

Check your PS4 system software version:

To begin, make sure your PS4 is running the latest system software that includes Bluetooth audio support. To check for updates, follow these simple steps:

    • Power on your PS4 and log in to your account.
    • Navigate to the Settings menu, represented by the gear icon on the home screen.
    • Scroll down and select “System Software Update.”
    • If there are any available updates, the system will prompt you to download and install them. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update process.

Ensure your Bluetooth headphones are in pairing mode:

Before connecting your Bluetooth headphones to the PS4, they must be in pairing mode. Each headphone model may have a slightly different process, so refer to the user manual that came with your headphones for specific instructions on how to activate pairing mode.

Verify Bluetooth compatibility on your PS4:

Now that your PS4 is up to date and your headphones are in pairing mode, it’s time to check if your console is compatible with Bluetooth headphones. Here’s what you need to do:

    • Power on your PS4 and log in to your account.
    • Navigate to the Settings menu, represented by the gear icon on the home screen.
    • Scroll down and select “Devices.”
    • Choose “Bluetooth Devices.”

If your PS4 supports Bluetooth audio, you’ll see an option to “Add a Device.” This confirms that your console is ready for the pairing process. If you don’t see this option, double-check that your PS4 has the latest system software installed, as older versions may not support Bluetooth audio.

With your PS4 up to date and your headphones in pairing mode, you’re all set to begin the exciting journey of connecting your Bluetooth headphones to your gaming console. Get ready to unleash the power of wireless audio and enjoy a gaming experience without any pesky cords holding you back.

Pairing Bluetooth Headphones with PS4

Let’s dive into the exciting process of pairing your Bluetooth headphones with your PS4. Follow these step-by-step instructions, and you’ll be wirelessly connected in no time. 

Step 1: Access the Bluetooth devices menu on PS4:

  • Power on your PS4 and log in to your account.
  • From the home screen, navigate to the Settings menu, represented by the gear icon.
  • Scroll down and select “Devices.”
  • In the Devices menu, choose “Bluetooth Devices.”

Step 2: Put your headphones in pairing mode:

  • Refer to the user manual that came with your Bluetooth headphones to find the specific instructions for enabling pairing mode. It typically involves pressing and holding a button or combination of buttons on the headphones until a light or indicator starts blinking, indicating that the headphones are ready to pair.

Step 3: Pairing your headphones with the PS4 using the on-screen prompts:

  • With your headphones in pairing mode, select the “Add a Device” option in the Bluetooth Devices menu on your PS4.
  • Your console will begin scanning for available Bluetooth devices.
  • When your headphones appear on the list of available devices, select them to initiate the pairing process.
  • Follow any on-screen prompts that may appear to complete the pairing. Your PS4 will establish a connection with your Bluetooth headphones, and you should hear a confirmation sound when the pairing is successful.

Step 4: Troubleshooting tips if the pairing process fails:

If the pairing process doesn’t go as smoothly as expected, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure your Bluetooth headphones are still in pairing mode and within range of the PS4. The recommended range is usually around 30 feet (approximately 10 meters).
  • Restart both your PS4 and your headphones and try the pairing process again from the beginning.
  • Ensure that no other devices are actively connected to your Bluetooth headphones, as this can interfere with the pairing process.
  • If the pairing process continues to fail, consult your headphone manufacturer’s support resources for additional troubleshooting steps.

Once your Bluetooth headphones are successfully paired with your PS4, you’re all set to immerse yourself in an incredible gaming experience without being tethered by cords. Enjoy the freedom of movement and high-quality audio as you venture into the virtual world of gaming.

How to Connect Bluetooth Headphones to Xbox One

Adjusting Audio Settings for Bluetooth Headphones

Now that your Bluetooth headphones are successfully paired with your PS4, let’s fine-tune the audio settings to ensure you have the best gaming experience possible. Follow these simple steps to adjust the audio settings for your wireless headphones:

Step 1: Navigate the PS4 settings menu to access audio devices:

  • Power on your PS4 and log in to your account.
  • From the home screen, go to the Settings menu, represented by the gear icon.
  • Scroll down and select “Sound and Screen.”

Step 2: Set your Bluetooth headphones as the default audio output:

  • In the Sound and Screen menu, select “Audio Output Settings.”
  • Choose “Primary Output Port.”
  • Here, you’ll see several options. Select “Digital Out (Optical)” to direct the audio output to your Bluetooth headphones. Even though you’re using Bluetooth headphones, the PS4 considers them as an optical audio device.

Step 3: Configuring audio mix and chat audio settings:

  • From the Sound and Screen menu, go back and select “Devices.”
  • Choose “Audio Devices.”

In the Audio Devices menu, you’ll find options to fine-tune the audio mix and chat audio for your gaming pleasure:

  • “Volume Control (Headphones)”: Adjust the volume level of your Bluetooth headphones directly from the PS4. Finding the right balance between game audio and chat can significantly enhance your gaming experience.
  • “Output to Headphones”: Select “Chat Audio” to prioritize in-game chat and lower the game audio level, making it easier to communicate with your teammates. Choose “All Audio” if you want a seamless blend of in-game sound effects and chat audio.
  • “Sidetone”: Sidetone is the ability to hear your voice through headphones while you speak. Adjust this setting to a comfortable level, as it can help you maintain a natural speaking volume during online communication.

Take your time to experiment with these settings to find the perfect audio mix for your gaming preferences. By configuring the audio output and chat audio settings, you’ll be fully immersed in the virtual world, with clear and precise audio enhancing your overall gaming experience.

Now that you’ve fine-tuned your audio settings, you’re all set to embark on thrilling adventures and epic battles with the power of wireless audio at your fingertips. Get ready to conquer virtual worlds like never before, and enjoy the freedom of movement that Bluetooth headphones provide.

How do you connect Bluetooth headphones to PS4?

Testing and Verifying the Connection

After successfully configuring the audio settings for your Bluetooth headphones on your PS4, it’s crucial to test and verify the connection. Ensuring audio quality and synchronicity will guarantee an immersive gaming experience. Here’s how to test your Bluetooth headphones’ connection and verify the audio quality:

Methods to test your Bluetooth headphones’ connection on PS4:

Method 1: Test in-game audio

  • Launch your favorite game and pay attention to the audio quality. Listen for clear and crisp sound effects, music, and dialogue. Test various aspects of the game, such as explosions, footsteps, and background music, to assess the overall audio performance.

Method 2:  Test with multimedia content

  • Play a movie, TV show, or any multimedia content that has a rich audio track. Make sure the dialogue is audible and well-balanced with background sound effects. This test will help verify whether your Bluetooth headphones can handle different types of audio content.

Method 3:  Test with audio clips

Find audio clips with varying frequencies and tones. Listen for any distortions, crackling, or irregularities in the sound. This test will help you identify any potential issues with your headphones’ audio reproduction.

Ensuring audio quality and synchronicity with video:

    • Check for audio lag: Pay close attention to any potential audio delay or lag while playing games or watching videos. If you notice a delay between the visuals and the audio, it can be distracting and impact your gaming experience negatively.
    • Adjust audio delay settings (if available): Some Bluetooth headphones and TVs may have adjustable audio delay settings. If you encounter audio lag, consult your headphone and TV manuals to find these settings and make necessary adjustments for improved synchronicity.
    • Ensure software and firmware are up-to-date: Regularly check for updates for both your PS4 and your Bluetooth headphones. Software updates often include optimizations for audio performance, which can help enhance the audio quality and reduce any potential sync issues.
    • Keep your headphones within the recommended range: Ensure you stay within the recommended Bluetooth range (usually around 30 feet) from your PS4. Being too far from the console can lead to a weaker connection and may affect audio quality.

By conducting these tests and adjustments, you can ensure that your Bluetooth headphones are providing the best possible audio experience on your PS4.

Once you’ve verified the connection, you can game with confidence, knowing that your wireless setup is optimized for an immersive and enjoyable gaming journey. Now, gear up, put on your Bluetooth headphones, and dive into the world of gaming with wireless freedom.

Why Your Hearing Aids Keep Disconnecting from Bluetooth

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While Bluetooth headphones offer a fantastic wireless gaming experience, they can encounter a few common issues. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with troubleshooting tips for some of these potential problems:

Addressing potential problems with audio quality or connection stability:

  • Check battery levels: Ensure your Bluetooth headphones have sufficient battery power. Low battery levels can lead to audio drops and reduced connection stability.
  • Stay within range: Keep your headphones within the recommended Bluetooth range (typically around 30 feet or 10 meters) from your PS4. Going too far from the console can weaken the connection and cause audio disruptions.
  • Reduce interference: Bluetooth signals can be affected by other wireless devices or electronic equipment. Move away from other wireless devices or Wi-Fi routers to reduce potential interference.
  • Keep the line of sight: Make sure there are no physical obstacles, such as walls or large objects, between your headphones and the PS4. A clear line of sight can improve connection stability.
  • Update firmware: Check for firmware updates for your Bluetooth headphones. Manufacturers often release updates to address performance issues and improve audio quality.

Solutions for audio lag or syncing issues:

  • Adjust audio delay settings: Some Bluetooth headphones and TVs have adjustable audio delay settings. If you notice audio lag, consult the headphone and TV manuals to find these settings and make necessary adjustments.
  • Restart devices: Restart both your PS4 and Bluetooth headphones to resolve temporary glitches that may cause audio lag or syncing issues.
  • Switch to wired: If audio lag persists, consider using a wired connection instead. Connecting your headphones directly to the PS4’s audio jack or using a USB dongle can eliminate wireless transmission delays.

Dealing with interference or range limitations:

  • Use Bluetooth dongles: If your Bluetooth headphones’ range is limited, consider using a Bluetooth dongle that plugs into the PS4’s USB port. This can enhance the signal and extend the effective range.
  • Change channels: Some Bluetooth devices may allow you to switch channels to reduce interference. Refer to your headphone manual for instructions on how to change channels.
  • Minimize obstructions: Ensure there are minimal physical barriers between your headphones and the PS4 to maximize signal strength and reduce interference.
  • Avoid crowded frequencies: In settings with multiple Bluetooth devices, consider switching to a less congested frequency band. Bluetooth operates on the 2.4 GHz band, which can be crowded in busy environments.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can resolve common Bluetooth headphone issues and optimize your gaming experience. If problems persist, refer to your headphone’s user manual or contact the manufacturer’s support for further assistance. 

How do you connect Bluetooth headphones to PS4

Alternatives to Bluetooth Headphones for PS4

While Bluetooth headphones offer the convenience of wireless audio, they might not be the perfect fit for everyone. Here are some alternative options for audio on your PS4, along with their respective pros and cons:

Wired Headphones:

Wired headphones offer a simple audio solution for your PS4 gaming experience. They are easy to set up, provide reliable audio output, and do not require any additional accessories.

Whether you’re engaging in intense battles or immersing yourself in captivating storylines, wired headphones ensure clear and responsive audio, enhancing your overall gaming enjoyment.

How to connect Bluetooth headphones to PS4
Sennheiser HD 560 S Over-The-Ear Audiophile Headphones


  • Compatibility: Wired headphones work seamlessly with any PS4 model that has a 3.5mm audio jack on the DualShock 4 controller.
  • Reliable Connection: Since they don’t rely on wireless signals, wired headphones generally offer a more stable and consistent audio connection.
  • Minimal Lag: With no wireless transmission, wired headphones eliminate the potential for audio lag.


  • Tethered Experience: You’re physically connected to the PS4, limiting your movement during gaming sessions.
  • Cable Management: Dealing with headphone cables can be cumbersome and may require additional cable management solutions.

USB Dongles:

USB dongles, also known as USB adapters, are small devices that connect to a computer or other compatible devices via a USB port. They serve various functions, but in the context of audio, USB dongles are often used to add additional functionalities or upgrade existing capabilities. Here’s how USB dongles work:

USB dongles work by expanding the capabilities of your devices through a simple plug-and-play connection. For audio, they can add features like improved sound quality, virtual surround sound, or Bluetooth connectivity, making them a versatile solution for enhancing your audio experience on various devices.

Simply Silver – New PS4 Guitar Hero Live Guitar USB DONGLE


  • Wireless Convenience: USB dongles provide a wireless audio experience without relying on the PS4’s built-in Bluetooth. This can be useful for older PS4 models without Bluetooth support.
  • Plug-and-Play: Most USB dongles are easy to set up and use, requiring minimal configuration.


  • Compatibility: Some USB dongles may not work with all headphone models, so ensure compatibility before purchasing.
  • Additional Hardware: You’ll need to purchase the USB dongle separately, adding to the overall cost.

Gaming Headsets with Optical Audio:

By leveraging optical audio technology and advanced audio processing, gaming headsets with optical audio support provide gamers with a rich and immersive audio experience.

Whether you’re playing action-packed shooters, exploring open-world adventures, or engaging in virtual reality experiences, these headsets can elevate your gaming by delivering high-fidelity sound, clear communication, and the ability to hear subtle audio cues that enhance your overall gaming performance and enjoyment.

How do you connect Bluetooth headphones to PS4
SteelSeries Arctis Pro + GameDAC Wired Gaming Headset


  • High-Quality Audio: Gaming headsets with optical audio connections can provide enhanced audio quality for an immersive gaming experience.
  • Dedicated Chat Mix: Many gaming headsets come with chat mix controls, allowing you to balance in-game audio and chat volume.


  • Cost: Gaming headsets with optical audio support can be more expensive compared to standard Bluetooth headphones.
  • Compatibility: Some gaming headsets might require additional setup and configuration.

Bluetooth Transmitter-Receiver Combo:

The Bluetooth transmitter-receiver combo is a versatile solution that allows you to upgrade any audio source to support Bluetooth connectivity.

It provides greater flexibility and convenience, enabling you to enjoy wireless audio from various devices that do not have built-in Bluetooth functionality.

Whether it’s enhancing your gaming experience, streaming music, or watching movies, the combo offers a cable-free audio solution with ease of use and improved portability.

Lavales Bluetooth 5.3 Transmitter Receiver


  • Versatility: A Bluetooth transmitter-receiver combo allows you to use any wired headphones as wireless Bluetooth headphones.
  • Multiple Devices: You can use the transmitter-receiver combo with other devices, such as TVs or PCs, to make them Bluetooth-enabled.


  • Setup: Setting up the transmitter-receiver combo might require some technical know-how.
  • Additional Cost: Purchasing the transmitter-receiver combo adds to the overall expense.

When choosing the best audio option for your PS4, consider your preferences for wireless freedom, audio quality, and budget. Each alternative has its merits, and the right choice ultimately depends on your specific gaming needs and preferences.

Whether you opt for Bluetooth headphones, wired headphones, or any of the alternatives, the goal is to create a gaming setup that immerses you in the world of gaming and enhances your overall gaming experience. 


Can I use any Bluetooth headphones with my PS4?

Not all Bluetooth headphones are compatible with the PS4. To use Bluetooth headphones with your PS4, your console must have the necessary Bluetooth audio support. PS4 models released after the initial launch in 2013 typically have this feature. 

If you own a PS4 Slim, PS4 Pro, or any later models, you can use most Bluetooth headphones without any issues. However, if you have an older PS4 model that lacks Bluetooth audio support, you’ll need to explore other audio options, such as wired headphones or USB dongles.

Why can’t I find my Bluetooth headphones in the PS4’s Bluetooth devices list?

There are a few reasons why your Bluetooth headphones might not appear in the PS4’s Bluetooth devices list:

    • Compatibility: Ensure that your PS4 model has Bluetooth audio support. If you own an older PS4 model without this feature, you won’t be able to connect Bluetooth headphones directly.
    • Pairing Mode: Make sure your Bluetooth headphones are in pairing mode. Refer to your headphone’s user manual to find the specific instructions for enabling pairing mode.
    • Range and Interference: Ensure that your headphones are within the recommended Bluetooth range from the PS4 (around 30 feet) and that there are no physical obstacles causing interference.

Do I need to purchase any additional accessories to connect Bluetooth headphones to my PS4?

If your PS4 has Bluetooth audio support (e.g., PS4 Slim, PS4 Pro, or later models), you don’t need any additional accessories to connect Bluetooth headphones. Simply follow the pairing process mentioned in this guide.

However, if your PS4 model lacks Bluetooth audio support, you’ll need to consider alternative options like using wired headphones or investing in a USB Bluetooth dongle, which plugs into the PS4’s USB port and enables wireless audio connectivity.

Will connecting Bluetooth headphones to my PS4 affect my gaming performance?

In general, connecting Bluetooth headphones to your PS4 should not significantly impact your gaming performance. However, there are a few factors to consider:

    • Audio Quality: The audio quality of Bluetooth headphones can vary, so make sure to choose headphones with good sound reproduction for an immersive gaming experience.
    • Audio Lag: Some Bluetooth headphones might experience slight audio lag, although this is generally minimal and not noticeable for casual gaming. For competitive gaming, consider using wired headphones to eliminate any potential audio delay.

Can I use the microphone on my Bluetooth headphones for in-game communication?

Yes, many Bluetooth headphones come with built-in microphones, allowing you to use them for in-game communication and voice chat. 

When you connect Bluetooth headphones to your PS4, both the audio output and microphone input should work seamlessly. Ensure that your headphone microphone is properly positioned and not muted for effective communication.

How can I connect multiple Bluetooth headphones to the PS4 for local multiplayer?

Unfortunately, the PS4 does not support simultaneous Bluetooth connections for multiple audio devices, including headphones. You can pair only one Bluetooth audio device with the PS4 at a time. 

For local multiplayer gaming with multiple players using headphones, you’ll need to use a combination of wired headphones and Bluetooth headphones or opt for gaming headsets that have wired connections and chat mix controls for multiple users.

What should I do if my Bluetooth headphones keep disconnecting from the PS4?

If your Bluetooth headphones frequently disconnect from the PS4, try the following troubleshooting steps:

    • Charge the headphones: Ensure your Bluetooth headphones have sufficient battery power. Low battery levels can cause disconnections.
    • Check the range and interference: Stay within the recommended Bluetooth range from the PS4 and avoid physical barriers or other wireless devices that might cause signal interference.
    • Restart devices: Restart both your PS4 and Bluetooth headphones to resolve temporary glitches that may cause disconnections.
    • Update firmware: Check for firmware updates for your Bluetooth headphones. Manufacturers often release updates to address performance issues.

If the disconnections persist, it’s possible that your Bluetooth headphones may not be fully compatible with your PS4. Consider using alternative audio options such as wired headphones or a Bluetooth dongle for a more stable connection.


Connecting Bluetooth headphones to your PS4 opens up a world of wireless gaming convenience and immersive audio experiences. By understanding Bluetooth technology and checking your PS4’s compatibility, you can ensure a smooth pairing process. Adjusting audio settings allows you to tailor your gaming experience to your preferences, balancing game audio and chat communication effortlessly.

While Bluetooth headphones offer fantastic benefits, alternatives like wired headphones and USB dongles provide reliable audio options, each with its pros and cons. For the best audio quality and minimal lag, consider wired options or gaming headsets with optical audio support.

Through thorough testing and troubleshooting, you can overcome potential issues and enjoy seamless gaming with your Bluetooth headphones. Remember to keep your headphones within range, reduce interference, and update firmware for optimal performance. Should disconnections persist, explore alternative options for stable audio connections.

Ultimately, with the freedom of wireless audio, you’re set to embark on thrilling gaming adventures, fully immersed in soundscapes and ready to conquer virtual worlds with enhanced audio clarity and precision. Embrace the joy of wireless gaming, and let your Bluetooth headphones elevate your gaming experience to new heights. 

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